Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's the five year plan?

I've been obsessed lately with the idea of finding a run-down foreclosure and fixing it up bit by bit until it's almost completely unrecognizable. I think I've been spurred on by the fact that the boyfriend spends everyday doing this as a carpenter and has expressed a desire to do the same thing with our own house. There's a lot less anxiety on my part knowing that I won't have to handle the measuring, math, leveling part of it.

Of course, I'm certainly not the first person to do this, and not the first to blog about it. I found this awesome website the other day when I should have been focusing on Roth IRA conversions and year-end reporting. Oh well. Check out this website:


Mrs. Limestone said...

Thanks very much for reading and the mention. But we didn't do the work our selves nor was our budget very modest (at least not judging how long it took save that much but Im sure its small compared to some reno budgets) Renovating a house in the shape my house was in is nearly impossible to do yourself. If you want a DIY, better to find a house with solid electrical, plumbing, walls, roof, windows, etc. that needs cosmetic upgrades. (My house needed everything.)

AC/JC said...

Go for it - especially if you have a chippy on hand.
My sster did this and worked up and up - Her place now... omg in the south of France is something out of a magazine. All from doing up houses each night and weekend but hell do they work hard at it.
Take care love