Sunday, June 10, 2007

What's the best thing you can do for your cat?

One of the first deliveries to our new apartment was Howard the cat. Howie is Jessie's cat who had been boarding with her parents while she lived with allergic roommates. Now that we're in an allergy-frre zone, it was time for Jessie to resume responsibility for him. Just for some background, Howard is a 13 year-old Himalayan fomerly belonging to Jessie's grandmother. Think Jinxy cat from Meet The Parents:

Anyway, it was soon determined that Howie was in need of a grooming. Obviously, cats like Howie require a higher level of maintenance than most. More hair leads to more mats. More mats lead to the "lion cut." With a little bit of nudging from me and a educated explanation from our new German friend at "No Bones About It," Jessie dropped of a normal looking, slightly bedraggled Himalayan and picked up one of the most uniquely entertaining characters I've ever been privelaged enough to know. Behold, the new and more aerodynamic, lion-cut Howard:

It's amazing. I know. Call me up and you can see him in person anytime.


The Lefty said...

I'm considering a lion-cut for Gus.

THE BRYGUY said...

Love it!

laura said...

that is just, ummm wow.