Thursday, March 22, 2007

How clever was I on St. Patrick's Day?

I was so clever that I had the forethought to steal a pun from the internet and put it onto tshirts with Jessie before heading out for National Drinking Day. Let's have a little visual recap f the day shall we?

I felt like the typical Boston girl in my matching gear but at least our shirts got some laughs.

What also got some laughs was when Jessie and I began to take a picture and she broke away to yell at Matt who was minding his own business reading a shoe catalog in the dark.

"Let's take a picture! No! Not you...MATT."

I swear that this pose was completely spontaneous...sometimes magic just happens.

Here's the BryGuy, Jessie, and Jeb. She's obviously still a little angry about the Matt thing.

Andrew decided that he needed a mohawk to celebrate the day. It's hard to see but it's there. Trust me.

And what's a night out on the town without a classic fall from Messy Jessie? This was one for the record books though. What happens when you mix slushy conditions, cowboy boots, a natural sense of grace and balance, and a day's worth of drinking?

Answer: You get Jessie doing her flipped over turtle impression on Cambridge Street. She had strangers offering to help her up because her 3 friends were too busy laughing and taking pictures of her to pick her up. Sorry Jessie.


THE BRYGUY said...

Bravo! I love the turtle impression.

Jessie said...

It was very slippery.

cecilia said...

wicked clevah. glad you had a good st. paddy's day . . .