I like this one because it's a little different from the ordinary. It's a lot of color without being a floral. Did I mention it has pockets? Swooning. The downside is that there's a high possibility of it being too short and not having any room for the ladies. That mannequin is wicked flat-chested.
Very Stepford Wives no? My mom would love this one and tell me it looks very classic and that I'll have it for years. Again, pockets. The model in one of the photos was pale and blond and the dress really worked. Reality check: I am not a model. Will I roast in the sun if I wear black? Hmmmm...
This one probably requires tricky undergarments. I keep picturing it with a really cute belt and a HUGE straw hat. It looks so comfy too.
I liked this one a lot when I first pulled the photo but the more I look at it I just keep seeing that scene from Empire Records when Renee Zellweger when she comes out of the stockroom in an orange apron and nothing else. I'd probably look like a linebacker with all those ruffles anyway.
I like this one a lot and it's a departure from all the black and navy that's been cropping up in my wardrobe. A little too safe?
Right after I make a crack about having too much navy I come up with this one. It just feels fresh but still a little retro.
Last but not least, I obviously wouldn't wear white to someone elses's wedding but if I had an unlimited budget I'd buy this one in addition to a dress for the wedding and start working on my tan.
Keep your fingers crossed that they have all of these in the store so I can try them on!